A Black Heart...
Einige Menschen in meinem Leben
haben sich zum *BlackHeart* entwickelt,
ich wünsche Ihnen von Herzen Klarheit,
jenseits von Verwirrung!
There was absolute silence. Rinpoche told the students that even as Buddhist teachings comprise more than 300 volumes, all could be condensed to one profound way. It is impossible for a person not to commit a single unwholesome act in life, but the essence of the Buddhist teachings is to avoid committing sinful actions as much as possible, not to harm if one can’t help and not keeping hatred and malice in one’s heart.
“Don’t keep a black heart,” Rinpoche said. “You might think that’s very simple. But to do it, it’s very difficult. Buddhism is about taming and transforming this mind of ours.”
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Meine KaiserKrone blüht nach 10 Jahren im 2ten Jahr!!!
Einige Menschen in meinem Leben
haben sich zum *BlackHeart* entwickelt,
ich wünsche Ihnen von Herzen Klarheit,
jenseits von Verwirrung!
There was absolute silence. Rinpoche told the students that even as Buddhist teachings comprise more than 300 volumes, all could be condensed to one profound way. It is impossible for a person not to commit a single unwholesome act in life, but the essence of the Buddhist teachings is to avoid committing sinful actions as much as possible, not to harm if one can’t help and not keeping hatred and malice in one’s heart.
“Don’t keep a black heart,” Rinpoche said. “You might think that’s very simple. But to do it, it’s very difficult. Buddhism is about taming and transforming this mind of ours.”
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Meine KaiserKrone blüht nach 10 Jahren im 2ten Jahr!!!
Belleeer - 2012-04-06 20:02