MeineLieblingsVersion... Emptiness...


The Bodhisattva's Confession of Moral Downfalls

I, (say your name) throughout all times, take refuge in the Guru;
I take refuge in the Buddha;
I take refuge in the Dharma;
I take refuge in the Sangha. (3x)

To the founder, bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, glorious conqueror Shakyamuni Buddha, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Thoroughly Destroying with Vajra Essence, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Radiant Jewel, I prostrate.
To Tathagata King, Lord of the Nagas, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Army of Heroes, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Delighted Hero, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Jewel Fire, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Jewel Moonlight, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Meaningful to See, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Jewel Moon, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Stainless One, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Bestowed with Courage, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Pure One, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Bestowed with Purity, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Water God, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Deity of the Water God, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Glorious Goodness, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Glorious Sandalwood, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Infinite Splendor, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Glorious Light, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Sorrowless Glory, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Son of Non-craving, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Glorious Flower, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Pure Light Rays Clearly Knowing by Play, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Lotus Light Rays Clearly Knowing by Play, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Glorious Wealth, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Glorious Mindfulness, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Glorious Name Widely Renowned, I prostrate.
To Tathagata King Holding the Victory Banner of Foremost Power, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Glorious One Totally Subduing, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Utterly Victorious in Battle, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Glorious Transcendence Through Subduing, I prostrate.
To Tathagata Glorious Manifestations Illuminating All, I prostrate.
To Tathagata All-Subduing Jewel Lotus, I prostrate.
To Tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, King of the Lord of Mountains Firmly Seated on Jewel and Lotus, I prostrate. (3x)


Prostrations to the Seven Medicine Buddhas

To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Renowned Glorious King of Excellent Signs, I prostrate.

To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, King of Melodious Sound, Brilliant Radiance of Skill, Adorned with Jewels, Moon, and Lotus, I prostrate.

To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Stainless Excellent Gold, Illuminating Jewel Who Accomplishes All Conduct, I prostrate.

To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Glorious Supreme One Free from Sorrow, I prostrate.

To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma, I prostrate.

To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Clearly Knowing by the Play of Supreme Wisdom of an Ocean of Dharma, I prostrate.

To the bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Medicine Guru, King of Lapis Lazuli Light, I prostrate.

General Confession

O great Guru Vajradhara, all other buddhas and bodhisattvas who abide in the ten directions, and all the venerable Sangha, please pay attention to me.

I, who am named [say your name], circling in cyclic existence since beginningless time until the present, overpowered by mental afflictions such as attachment, aversion, and ignorance by means of body, speech, and mind have created the ten non-virtuous actions.

I have engaged in the five uninterrupted negative karmas and the five nearing uninterrupted negative karmas.

I have transgressed the vows of individual liberation, transgressed the vows of bodhisattvas, and transgressed the samaya of secret mantra.

I have been disrespectful to my parents, have been disrespectful to my vajra masters, and to my abbot, and have been disrespectful to my spiritual friends living in ordination.

I have committed actions harmful to the Three Jewels, avoided the holy Dharma, criticized the arya Sangha, harmed sentient beings, and so on. These and many other non-virtuous negative actions I have done, have caused others to do, have rejoiced in others’ doing, and so forth.

In the presence of the great Guru Vajradhara, all the buddhas and bodhisattvas who abide in the ten directions, and the venerable Sangha, I admit this entire collection of faults and transgressions that are obstacles to my own higher rebirth and liberation and are causes of cyclic existence and miserable lower rebirths. I will not conceal them, and I accept them as negative. I promise to refrain from doing these actions again in the future. By confessing and acknowledging them, I will attain and abide in happiness, while by not confessing and acknowledging them, true happiness will not come.

Visualization at the End of the Confession Prayer

Think that through the force of reciting these names of the thirty-five Buddhas of Confession and Medicine Buddhas, through the power of their pure prayers and vows, through the power of generating regret and the other opponent forces, and through the power of having made these prostrations, nectars and light rays descend from the holy bodies of the buddhas, completely purifying all negative karmas, defilements and imprints collected on your mental continuum since beginningless time. Generate strong faith that your mind has become completely pure.

Then reflect on emptiness. In emptiness there is no I, the creator of negative actions. In emptiness there is no creating of negative actions. In emptiness there are no negative actions created. Even though there are infinite phenomena, in emptiness nothing exists at all. There is no this and that, no me and you, nothing. In emptiness everything is one taste. From this emptiness, everything comes into existence. Whatever exists is the manifestation of emptiness.


Due to all the three time merits accumulated by myself, all the buddhas and bodhisattvas and all sentient beings, which are completely empty of existing from their own side, may the I, which is completely empty of existing from its own side, quickly achieve the state of full enlightenment, which is completely empty of existing from its own side, in order to lead all sentient beings, who are completely empty of existing from their own side, to that state by myself alone, who is completely empty of existing from its own side.

Due to all the three time merits accumulated by myself, all the buddhas and bodhisattvas and all sentient beings, may the precious supreme enlightened thought, bodhicitta—letting go of self and cherishing others, which is the source of all success and happiness for myself and all sentient beings—immediately be generated within my own mind, and within the minds of all sentient beings. May that which has already been generated never decline, but increase more and more."

Auszüge von Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, The Archive of the FPMT...
errorking - 2010-04-08 23:29


fühle ich mich als ein bisserl wissender gezwungen, den überschwenglichen spiritualismus hier etwas zu dämpfen.
dein titelzitat emptiness
emptiness ist sehr wohl der höchst weise inhalt der herz-sutra....die kommt jedoch in den folgenden zitaten nicht vor. im gegenteil

es sind alles zum teil sehr einfache mantras...gleich am anfang das vervielfätligungsmantra (welche...aufgepasst agnostiker ... man höre und staune : jede gunst vervielfacht...drum muss es auch mehrfach zitiert werden)
der inhalt-auch aller folgenden gebete ist im prinzip ist wie beim geht nur um die töne, um das rezitieren, das tun an sich...alles andere bleibt ein "geheimnis "(welches auch die bonzen nicht wissen, aber so tun als ob sies wissen)
es ist eigentlich wie die langatmigen huldigungen und psalmen im AT...das om namo manjushriye bedeutet nicht emptiness sondern nix anderes als "oh du heiliger und glorreicher und nochmals überaus glorreicher buddha der zukunft...und shvaha heisst...ja richtig geraten...shvaha heisst amen(ende)......

in allen angeführten gebeten gehts also nicht um den philosophischen begriff emptiness sondern nur ums rezitieren...nur die kommentare danach schwindeln da etwas vor.
ich bitte also unter der titel "emptiness" nicht in die (besond f. agnostiker verzichtbaren rosenkranzähnlichen) berauschungsmantras zu flüchten (was übrigens peyote viel schneller bewirken kann), sondern in der nächsten info den positiven philosophischen wert der emptiness im herzsutra (wo die emptiness benannt wird)zu beleuchten (sonst werds ich tun müssen)

ps...übrigens wir leben doch im deutschen sprachraum..bin sicher, dass 90%der leser prostrate und prostata nicht unterscheiden können...eine deutsche übersetzung wäre hilfreich...(hilfe: prostrate heisst :sich vor dem mächtigen auf den boden werfen....)

Belleeer - 2010-04-09 07:51

Lieber Errorking...

ich meinte natürlich meine Lieblingsversion der Niederwerfungen... wenn Du mein Blog aufmerksam verfolgt hast... :o) dann wirst Du gerade eine andere Version mitbekommen haben... und den Unterschied des Lord of the Nagas und diese veränderte "TathagataGeschichte" finde ich einfach "untragbar"... (entschuldige bitte, wenn ich verwirrte...:)

die "Emptiness" ist doch da... oder was ist das?

"Then reflect on emptiness. In emptiness there is no I, the creator of negative actions. In emptiness there is no creating of negative actions. In emptiness there are no negative actions created. Even though there are infinite phenomena, in emptiness nothing exists at all. There is no this and that, no me and you, nothing. In emptiness everything is one taste. From this emptiness, everything comes into existence. Whatever exists is the manifestation of emptiness."

hier noch eine NiederwerfungsAnleitung... für den eifrigen Nachahmer... ;o)

zum HeartSutra muss ich noch was suchen... später... jetzt geht es zur Arbeit... :D

errorking - 2010-04-09 08:06

brav, das nenn ich eine prompte antwort. noch vor 8 uhr morgens!

zeigt, dass du schon um 6 uhr deine übungen machst...würde mir als agnostiker wahrscheinlich auch gut tun...
die letzten emptiness-aussagen sind ja keine gebete, sondern stammen offensichtl von lama yeshe selbst...wozu nicht gleich das herzsutra übersetzen, welches die emptiness zum inhalt hat?

Belleeer - 2010-04-09 15:57


bin halt einfach wohl erzogen... ;o)

Lama Yeshe und Lama Zopa waren die ersten Lamas, welche die Lehre für uns "Westler" übersetzten und verständlich machten. Die FPMT ist inzwischen eine riesige, weltweite, Institution. Wie mir gesagt wurde, nahmen beide sich "hoffnungloser" Fälle, wie drogensüchtigen Hippies, an, und vermittelten Ihnen die Lehre... ;o)))

daher, die Erklärungen zu Emptiness sind hier nur im Zusammenhang mit der Übung, als Anleitung, zu betrachten...

diesen Beitrag von "space, just space..." suchte ich... :o) ein bisschen aus dem "HerzSutra"...

dann werde ich mal über einen ausführlichen Beitrag sinnen... :D

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Meine Kommentare

Psychologin Benecke verdreht...
Psychologin Benecke verdreht !!! Hat Sie das StudienZiel...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:20
Sie sind ja POLIN, Benecke...
Sie sind ja POLIN, Benecke !!! Wie ist das noch mit...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:18
https://www.deutsche-digit 4S2B7CMY7KXSIKLY2F65SHQ43F 4YX
https://www.deutsche-digit 4S2B7CMY7KXSIKLY2F65SHQ43F 4YX
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:08
Das erste Manuskript...
Das erste Manuskript dieses Buches wanderte im kommunistischen...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:07
Tsss, da ist doch glatt...
Tsss, da ist doch glatt der Link strange verändert...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:02


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