mit traumhafter BergLandschaft,
fallendem Schnee und
brüllendem Tiger... roarrr!!!
Belleeer - 2010-02-14 14:04
Mit Bart und Busen...
"JJ Eichmann ist weder Mann noch Frau, JJ ist intersexuell.
Bei einem Besuch in ihrer exzentrischen Bar in München
erzählt sie, wie aus Joerg-Uwe Jutta-Ulrike und schließlich
JJ wurde."
Belleeer - 2010-02-14 12:20
to eliminate interferences you should seperate yourself from compulsive attraction to such things as virtuos and non-virtuos objects."
"Also, as the three times (past, present and future) cannot be established (as having true, inherent existence), you must abandon even the thought, "I shall work from this very moment until my attainment to Enlightment." Become certain that there is (instantaneous) Enlightenment in each instant."
"Do not hold your mind as being vulgar and ordinary. Recognise that from time immemorial it has been of the nature of the five pristine awarenesses."
"Do not hold your own aggregates, cognitive spheres amd bases as unclean. Become certain that from time immemorial they have been the male and female meditational deities and the male and female Bodhisattvas."
The Mahamudra
Eliminating the Ignorance of Darkness
by the Ninth Karmapa Wangchug Dorje
Tibetan Library of works and archives
Belleeer - 2010-02-14 12:12
Wir befinden uns im tibetischen Jahr 2137!
neues Jahr im Zeichen des
hat angefangen.
Ein Film zur
Bedrohung des Tigers...
Belleeer - 2010-02-14 10:22
My home is a castle: Robert Fidler, Farmer aus England,
baute jahrelang hinter einer Mauer aus Strohballen
ein Schloss - das er nun abreißen soll.
Belleeer - 2010-02-14 10:10
Total freedom from all states of cyclic existence that are included in two of the four noble truths, that of suffering and that of the origin of suffering, is termed liberation.
This is also known as the state beyond sorrow, or Nirvana, a state which is beyond the limitations imposed by the ignorant mind that is unaware of the basic nature of reality, and that penetrates the sufferings of the world.
The Dzogchen
Innermost Practice
Preliminary Practice
Jigme Lingpa
Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
Belleeer - 2010-02-14 08:38
Due to desire, becoming and ignorance,
Beings will revolve foolishly through the five realms -
Those of humans, gods and the three inferior realms -
Like the turning of a potter's wheel.
Buddha Shakyamuni
Belleeer - 2010-02-14 08:30