Guru Yeshe Tsogyelma!
You are the mystic key to Pema Jungne!
Through pity you gladly accept others suffering,
You are free of the concepts of "clean" and "unclean",
Your self love is hidden deep:
Mistress of the Teaching, Mother of Buddhas, I bow to you,
Guru Pema Skull-Garland Skill is my Lama;
So, sister, think of me with kindness.
Source of the ocean of teaching, every
Source of the meaning of Pema's profound oral and revealed transmissions,
You alone are responsible for their propagation and increase.
For as long as I live I will follow you,
Promoting your welfare and averting aggression.
Sky Dancer
The Secret Life and Songs
of the Lady Yeshe Tsogyel
Keith Dowman
Snow Lion