Sonntag, 4. Juli 2010

The fourth support...

the signs of Liberation...

The signs of liberation are given in two parts. First there is the time of completion, in which the visions become complete. All things are liberatied and all the visions become complete. Like the elephant who gets into the mud in the middle of the rice field, they will come out of themselves! The practitioner does not need any special practice. That is called 'without any stopping'.

The result is the wisdom of the activities will be controlled so whatever the practitioner says is sweet to those who hear his or her voice. The speech has been controlled with awareness, and compassion automatically appears. All that he or she speaks becomes teachings and they will deep and clear. The mind is like a man who once had smallpox - after he has recovered it never comes back. In the same way when the practitioner has liberated all thoughts, then obscuring thoughts never return. The practitioner is controlled by wisdom and awareness. This sign is called 'the nails without thoughts fix the remembering thoughts'.

Heart Drops of Dharmakaya
Dzogchen Practice of the Bön Tradition
Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen - Commentary by Lopon Tenzin Namdak
Snow Lion



the practitioner's speech is like that of a madman and he or she does not care. The practitioner has liberated all thoughts and is not bound by thoughts, so the speech is not bounded. Thus the nail of the unsayable is fixed to the speech. For such a practitioner the awareness and unification is very clear and he or she is completely controlled by that. There is no thought of what other people think.

Heart Drops of Dharmakaya
Dzogchen Practice of the Bön Tradition
Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen - Commentary by Lopon Tenzin Namdak
Snow Lion



Practitioners have no hope to achieve nirvana nor are they frightened to fall down to samsara. They do not wish to do good things. Those practitioners who have this capacity do not doubt any longer. But if a practitioner is still doubtful as to whether he or she is acting in the right way or not, or whether he or she has got the right sign or not, then that person has not yet achieved this capacity. He or she will continue to circulate in samsara.

Heart Drops of Dharmakaya
Dzogchen Practice of the Bön Tradition
Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen - Commentary by Lopon Tenzin Namdak
Snow Lion


Practice Without Practicing...

When you have fully understood the natural state then all doubts are stopped.

A qualm: Surely if everyone who exists acts without action then whatever practices are done in the lower eight paths must be without purpose?

The Dzogchen reply is that everything that is practiced in those paths is made up by thoughts, and their practitioners never achieve the stage of acting without action, without thoughts.

Dzogchen never pursues them, but all their achievements, like Sambhogakaya or Dharmakaya or purification of knowledge are naturally present in Dzogchen Buddhahood. The reason for this is that all existing things are like illusions coming from the natural state. Therefore there is not any misview, as everything is liberated into the natural state.

Heart Drops of Dharmakaya
Dzogchen Practice of the Bön Tradition
Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen - Commentary by Lopon Tenzin Namdak
Snow Lion



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Juli 2010

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Meine Kommentare

Psychologin Benecke verdreht...
Psychologin Benecke verdreht !!! Hat Sie das StudienZiel...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:20
Sie sind ja POLIN, Benecke...
Sie sind ja POLIN, Benecke !!! Wie ist das noch mit...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:18
https://www.deutsche-digit 4S2B7CMY7KXSIKLY2F65SHQ43F 4YX
https://www.deutsche-digit 4S2B7CMY7KXSIKLY2F65SHQ43F 4YX
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:08
Das erste Manuskript...
Das erste Manuskript dieses Buches wanderte im kommunistischen...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:07
Tsss, da ist doch glatt...
Tsss, da ist doch glatt der Link strange verändert...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:02


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