Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010

A... U... M...

Let's focus on the most well-known and most often chanted bija mantra, OM. Undoubtedly, at any given moment, there is someone, somewhere chanting this. The OM is considered one of the oldest vocal sounds in existence; many speculate that it has been chanted for untold thousands of years. In the Hindu tradition, it is considered to be the original, primordial sound, the mantra from which the universe and all of creation first manifested.

A Sanskrit word, OM is said to be the combination of both the masculine and feminine, the representation of unity. While pronounced OM (as in "home"), certain Sanskrit scholars state that it is written AUM; many consider the two words to be interchangeable. OM is said to be the sound that contains all sounds; it is the totality of all sounds. Swami Sivananda Radha in Mantras: Words of Power (Timeless, 1980) says, "The cosmic sound AUM, or its condensed form, OM, is the origin of all other sound. OM is everything. It is the name of God."

OM may be understood in a number of different ways. One understanding is that OM - or its written form, AUM - represents attributes of the major trinity of Hindu gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The sounding of th "A" represents the energy of Brahma, the creator and the creational process. The middle portion of the sound, the "U", represents the energy of Vishnu, the preserver, and relates to the maintenance and preservation of what has been created. The final "M" represents the energy of Shiva, the transformer, and relates to the vital transformational energy to shift and change that which has been created and preserved.

Another understanding of the OM or AUM is that the "A" represents the physical plane, the "U" the mental and astral planes, and the "M" all that is beyond the reach of the intellect. OM or AUM represents the infinite, the One Mind, the all-embracing consciousness, the essence of existence.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the OM (AUM) represents different aspects of the trinity of the Body, Speech, and Mind of the Buddha. The "A" represents the Body, the "U" represents Speech, and the "M" represents the Mind. Sounding the AUM in this manner puts one in resonance with these qualities.

ein Dank für die BuchEmpfehlung an DEAN...
mein Name läßt sich UUUAAA rufen und ich höre... :o)))
(wie schnell verschluckt sich ein Buchstabe... oder mehrere... ;o)))
Uma hat natürlich den perfekten Namen...
aber was will man bei dem Vater anderes erwarten?!

Uma ist übrigens der ZentralKanal und Karuna das Mitgefühl...
Metta Karuna steht für den Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, als dessen Imanation
der Dalai Lama gilt... die grüne Tara, die Göttin des MitGefühls enstand aus
einer Träne von ihm... (ist da irgendwo eine Rippe?)

die Infos im Net sind leider grottenschlecht... zum Thema Uma Karuna...

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Juli 2010

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Meine Kommentare

Psychologin Benecke verdreht...
Psychologin Benecke verdreht !!! Hat Sie das StudienZiel...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:20
Sie sind ja POLIN, Benecke...
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Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:18
https://www.deutsche-digit 4S2B7CMY7KXSIKLY2F65SHQ43F 4YX
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Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:08
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Tsss, da ist doch glatt...
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