The Universal Sound Om

Om does not belong to Hinduism or any one religion. From "Om Mane Padme Hum" of Buddhism, and "Amen" of Christianity, to "Amin" of Islam and Omkar "Ek Satnam" of Sikkism, one detects the echo of the same cosmic sound experienced by all the great masters of mankind. "Om" and the latin root word "Omne" share a similar meaning "all" leading to the concepts of omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence.

Om is also called Pranava (cames from the root word nu which means praise or pryer, and pra which means superior, hence the best prayer) - the subtle sound pervading prana or life. Om is the alpha and omega of any Hindu ritual or prayers, chanted in the beginning and at the end. Its continuous remembrance is also the main spiritual practice of most sanyasins, whose path is called nivritti marg or the path of return to the source.

Another synonym for Om is akshar - the invisible sound syllable found in many scriptures, including the Bhagavad-Gita (10.25), in which Krishna proclaims, "Of utterances I am the single syllable Om."

Om is referred to in Naad Yoga as Oara Naad (beyond audible sound) because it is beyond the range of our sense organs.

In Indian classical music, which shares the same spiritual goal, Om corresponds to the first note of the octave, Sa or the shadaj, meaning the father of all notes, or the everlasting tone.

By one who desirous of attaining perfection in Yoga, Naad is to be realized (meditatd upon), having abandoned al thoughts and with a calm mind.
Sankaracharya, Yoga-taravali

When people hear the pranava they hear the Absolute itself.
When they utter the pranava they go to the abode of the Absolute.
He who perceives the pranava sees the state of the Absolute.
He who always has the pranava in his mind has the form of the Absolute.

The holy Stream of Sound is truly the voice of God. It was this Sound
which formed the earth and the world, and brought forth the mountains,
and set the stars in their thrones of glory in the highest heavens.

From the Essene Gospel of Peace

der Text ist folgender cd entnommen...
The Sound Supreme
The Mystique and Music of OM
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Meine Kommentare

Psychologin Benecke verdreht...
Psychologin Benecke verdreht !!! Hat Sie das StudienZiel...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:20
Sie sind ja POLIN, Benecke...
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Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:18
https://www.deutsche-digit 4S2B7CMY7KXSIKLY2F65SHQ43F 4YX
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Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:08
Das erste Manuskript...
Das erste Manuskript dieses Buches wanderte im kommunistischen...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:07
Tsss, da ist doch glatt...
Tsss, da ist doch glatt der Link strange verändert...
Belleeer - 2023-03-21 11:02


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